Give a Child a Christmas Update

23rd December 2024

A message from Secret Santa…

I would just like to say a big thank you to Middlesbrough Cricket and Rugby Club (Acklam Park), the Jack Hatfield pub and football team, and also the Artizan; and anyone else that donated for all the children and care homes this Christmas.

The Give a Child a Christmas group made up of volunteers from Cricket, Rugby, Mams and Dads, the bar staff, the Artizan and more really pulled it out of the bag this year with over 450 children receiving 2 presents each; and let’s not forget the 31 care homes that received hampers. Without this group of people this couldn’t of happened and I’m so proud to be part of it.

I would also like to thank the fire brigade for making an appearance with a fire engine. The kids loved it.

Big thanks to the big man himself, Paul Manders, for doing an incredible job yet again and also a big thank you to his Elves.

Again, thank you Ian and George Collingwood for giving all these families a hot meal on arrival and also our cake makers; they looked and I’m told tasted amazing.

Thank you to the cricket for paying for the grotto.

Secret Santa (although not so secret). Photos below


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